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Prasad International School

Affiliated To CBSE New Delhi(10+2)


The curriculam includes English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Social Studies, General Science, Drawing & Painting, Music (Western) Music (Classical) & Dance, Computer Science, Physical Training, Drill, Athletics and various games form an integral part of the curriculum and the Medium of instruction will be only in ENGLISH.


(i) The academic year starts from April 2020.

(ii) Summer Holidays are observed from the third week of May to the first week of July.

(iii) Winter Holidays of about one week are observed in the the first week of January.

(iv) Other holidays during the year are notified separately 


Extracurricular activities can empower students to make their own decision and help them gain vital experiences and skills to lead them on the path to their future.

The Facts:- 

Students involved in extracurricular activities are more likely to become leaders, more willing to complete tasks, more willing to voice opinion and more likely to graduate from High School. Extracurricular activities are also a good way to explore social, Political and career interest. Through participation in sports students learn co-operation, teamwork and time management. 


Dramatics, Clay modeling, Dumb-charades (Anthakshari), Quiz, Computer Science, Photography, Cookery, Music (Indian/Western), Debate,(Hindi/English), Story Telling, Spellings, Electronics, Carpentry. 



 Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Tennis, Badminton, Kho- kho, Khabaddi, Athletics, Hockey (Sprints,Races, Jumps and Throws.)


Table tennis, Chess , Carrom, Karate , Tkekwondo, Yoga, Gymnastic.  



Yoga aerobic exercise, Jogsaw puzzles, Matching colour cards, Identifying colour and shapes, Story telling , Music and movement, Role play, Field trips, Games related to numbering, Book reading, Singing and Dancing, Rhymes, Celebration of festivals, Dances, Finger & Hand printing, Block Building, Mix and match, Shapes and sizes, Clay modelling, Picture reading, Labelling colours.

 II to VII:-

 Creative writing, Dance, Yoga, Art, Quiz, Taekwondo, Clay modeling, Computers, Music(Vocal), Story telling, Library science, Public speaking, Needle work, Card making, Antakshari, Gift packing, Gymanst.

 VIII to XII:-

 Yoga, Dance, Fine arts, Quiz, Crafts, Debate, Flower Arrangement, Dramatics, Eletric Equipments, Maths Lab, Music (Instrumental), Journalism, Eco-diversity, N.S.S, sculpture, Knitting Embroidery, Science Lab.