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Prasad International School

Affiliated To CBSE New Delhi(10+2)


       Vision & Mission

  • The School has a vision of future guided by the Wisdom of the seers and a further vision to serve the ever increasing glory of India.
  • The school has a vision of a new world in which relationships are governed the spirit of universal fraternity. The mission of the school is to prepare children who have Courage and Heroism to demand from themselves tireless labor and inner discipline directed towards self-control and Self-mastery.
  • This school is engaged in providing facilities and opportunities for student to develop strong and healthy bodies, Clear and wide minds, resolute will power and ever-widening horizons of knowledge and even of wisdom.
  • The school is dedicated to serve the highest interests of nation building that can ensure vast synthesis of knowledge and harmonious of the individual and the collectivily.



  • With English as the medium of instruction and giving Hindi & Sanskrit their rightful place in the curriculum, the school aims at developing in its alumni a scientific temper modern, outlook and love for the motherland, imbibing its cultural heritage and tradition besides imparting academic education. The school endaevours:
  • To impart integral education general as well as vocational to all irrespective of caste creed and colour in an atmosphere of purity, efficiency, discipline and fraternity. With special emphasis on moral and spiritiual values and character building rooted in Indian culture.
  • To ensure all-round development of the scholars through efficient education under the teachers of very high physical intellectual and cultural caliber with total dedication.
  • To develop integrity and fullness of versatile personality, so that there is total dedication to the service to mankind.
  • To provide training in leadership and experience in self government through prefectural system and other allied positions of responsibility.
  • To develop creative potential through painting, dancing, music and other forms of performing arts.
  • To promote national integrational understanding and brotherhood.
  • To instil among learners awareness for maintaining enviromantal purity and ecological harmony.
  • To improve self-confidence and creativity through involvement in co-curricular activ